I don't recall how life becomes so full, but somehow it does. Between now and July 18th, I have one free evening left (snatch it while it's available!) This weekend was no exception.
Yesterday morning I was up early to be at church early for worship team practice. Then church. This weekend we were celebrating our story. Still being relatively new to the church, it was neat to hear stories of how people's lives have been impacted by this church and to hear a bit of the history behind it. Afterward there was a potluck/sharing time in the gym. I went to the first bit and got some beautiful flowers as a recognition of being on staff for the last few months. Although there have been bumps along the way, I am very encouraged and excited about what's been happening in the last couple months. Very cool. Then, I skipped the lunch and headed to set up for a surprise bridal shower for Desiree.

We all figured that as soon as Des came to the house, she would know it was a shower, because she would recognize some distinct vehicles. But the person driving her was convincing and Des thought that there was just a fundraiser happening at the house totally unrelated and they were just dropping by to pick someone up. Always fun when you can totally surprise someone with a shower, because often they find out somehow! :)

We played a bunch of fun little games and it was great to catch up with some people I hadn't seen in a while and also meet some new people. There are seven of us bridesmaids, so it will be a full but fun wedding party!

We made some fabulous dresses out of toilet paper. Always fun to see how creative people get and how into the game they get!

The four beautiful women in their gowns. We told Desiree she should probably just return her dress and go with the toilet paper one. Then again, her dress is incredible and suits her perfectly! So no trades happening here!

My mom wrapped Des' gifts in princess paper in memory of our dinner with the princesses at Disneyland! :) Someone thought we were joking when we said that we along with the 5 year olds had a princess dinner, but that is no joking matter. ;)

Pretty much the best bridal shower hat ever. :) I thought the hanging bells on the sides were a fantastic added touch.

After the shower, I headed to my mom's, where there were already friends waiting! We were having an evening dinner and pool party, partly just to hang out, celebrate the fact that summer is almost here and have a bit of a farewell gig for Maia, who is going away for 5 months. :(

What a great and incredibly welcoming group of friends! I love that they welcome new people in and that friendships form so fast and easily. It's an incredible blessing and I am thankful for all of them!

Karissa and Maia testing out the underwater camera


I challenged the boys to the diving board challenge, and once Dave succeeded, the rest of them had to keep trying. But Dave was the only successful one.

We played water soccer for a while which was really fun, but my body is a bit sore now! It brought back wonderful memories of my time on staff in Quebec when we would play endless water soccer in the pool and it got pretty intense!

Dave was doing somersaults off the diving board and I LOVE these two shots, because they kind of look fake. And they make me laugh!

The view that fish have from underwater of us. Makes sense that they get scared.

I am definitely going to miss Maia while she's gone! I am so thankful for our friendship and will count down the 4 months until I get to go visit her for a month! YAY! And Dave and Adri will be there too so it will pretty much be a massive month long adventure! I can't wait!! :)
And thus was my Sunday. June is almost half over which baffles me. But I'm enjoying every minute of it!!
ahahaha I love your Omi in her toilet paper gown! She's such a great sport. Cool underwater pictures
Hi dear
It was a great weekend for you that you have celebrated with your friends.your toilet paper dress add the more value upon your gorgeous look.
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