Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lessons, Learning, Life

Things I learned today:

Don't walk down stairs holding a bowl of raspberries, a bowl of blueberries {with lots of juice} and a tray with cheesecake in it. Take two trips. Otherwise you might fall down the stairs, sacrifice your body for the sake of not flinging berry juice everywhere and lose the rest of the cheesecake as it splatters all over the carpet.

When coming home from a road trip, clean out all your bags. Especially the ones with food in them. Do not just put them in a closet to get them out of the way. Rotting tomatoes and guacamole two months later might not be the most welcoming sight.

Don't pluck your gray hairs. They seem to grow back stronger and tenfold if you do.

Don't eat beef if you are not accustomed to eating it. Especially if it might not be fully cooked.

Starting the day off in a hot tub is not conducive to high energy.

If you've always told yourself and others that you don't like cheesecake and you naturally stay away from it, don't start eating and enjoying it. Ruins all those years of cheesecake hatred.

Don't have plans for every single night of every week until June 29th if you hope to make other plans with people.

Try not to make it your goal to read all your books in the next year if you have a few hundred of them.

Always bring your camera with you. Just in case.


Elsie said...

haha....yes, live and learn : )

kelly ens said...

oh my...quite the lessons! :)