Yesterday night was nacho mountian night with some of my friends from my Trinity days. I like that I have friends from university that I still connect with. I wasn't incredibly social at university, but it's nice that I came away with some great and solid friendships.

We always use our new favorite kind of chip, which is the spicy quesadilla tostitos! So good!!

Best quote of the evening: "Do these gummy glo-worms actually glow? Because I don't think that would be very good for you." :) I love my friends. :)

Enjoying good food and company and great musical talent afterwards as we ended the night with some incredible rockband action!

I keep feeling like things are wrapping up but there's lots going on still. Just finished a large stack of marking. And I was reminded of how much I enjoy it, especially because I get introduced to a variety of really great ideas, with a lot of academic backing and research and it is so interesting to read about what other people think about a variety of really interesting topics. Definitely gets me thinking! And after handing in the stack, I received a new, smaller stack! Oh well, I will just embrace it and keep going! Hopefully will get another stack next week!

Yesterday would have been Leon's 30th birthday. That's crazy to me (well especially because that means I'm a lot older than I actually think I am). As I look at pictures of his friends and their get-togethers and lives, I wonder what life would look like if Leon were in it still. What his life would look like. And how my life might be dramatically different from what it is today. I know it's not good to totally dwell on these things, but in remembering, I pictured what life with Leon would look like. And with that thought, life became a bit fuller and better. And it made me miss him a lot, wishing he fit in the way I envision he would have.
Off to Vancouver for a day of adventures with Maia before she heads off to South Africa. Who knows what adventures we will run into? But it should be wonderfully fun! Enjoy your Thursday!
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