A love for camping has recently been rekindled in my heart. Not that I ever hated it, but I think I just haven't done it much. Partly because I don't have a lot of opportunities to go camping.

Anyway, this past weekend, David, Adri and I headed up to Hope where we joined a lot of other people for our church camping trip! Most of them had kids except for us, but that didn't stop us from having lots of fun! Our vehicle was perhaps stuffed to the gills but we had everything we needed!

Setting up our tent and tarp. Thankfully Dave serves as a natural ladder for Adri. :)

On the Saturday, a bunch of our friends came up to join us. In the morning we went for a two hour hike from Othello tunnels back to our campground. What beautiful scenery! It's easy to get lost in it!

All the kids were getting their photos taken and Adri and I were jealous of it, so we got ours taken too!

Corrie and I crossing a bridge

Dave likes to jump over things and I like to take pictures of those moments.

Green!! LIFE!

Looking at this picture makes me think of Oma and Opa at the campground. :)

We headed to the lake in the afternoon and enjoyed some ladderball which is my newly discovered game! I'm quite excited to play more of it during the summer and to master my mad skills.

All the kids wanted a photo running into the water. Delightful!

We were split into groups of four families for some of the meals and it was so great to get to know other people in a different setting! And to share a meal together is always a great thing to do in a community!

For dinner, we made an amazing stew! With all the veggies you can imagine and great meat too! We used a dutch oven and it definitely did the trick!

My view from my dinner seat. :)

We had some great times at the communal campfires with everyone as well as around random friends' fires at their campsites. Sunday morning we had a great little service with a great message that I was super challenged by and definitely set me thinking.

All in all a fantastic weekend full of fun and fellowship and new adventures! I'm thankful for some new friendships formed and am excited to go camping again.
As I showered on Sunday afternoon, I could smell it as the campfire smell came out of my hair and it made me want to go right back to camping again! Soon and very soon I hope!
1 comment:
"Dave likes to jump over things and I like to take pictures of those moments." I want to put that on a t-shirt.
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