Two of my main goals for the summer are to: become more domestic in the kitchen and try and eat salads for lunch every day (unless I'm going out for sushi with Brooke). Oh, and an additional one is to celebrate random holidays!
And yesterday was iced tea day! So instead of mixing a really sugary mix with water, I decided I would make my own iced tea which I have been wanting to do for a while. So I took 8 cups of boiling water and mixed it with 3 tea bags and 3 Tbsp. of honey and after stirring it, I put it in the fridge to cool and then poured it in my juice jug! It was SO tasty! And then I drank 8 cups of iced tea yesterday. hehe. But apparently honey is good for you. Was a bit too sweet for my liking so in today's batch of mint berry iced tea, I only put 2 Tbsp. I added some lemon juice as well. Try it out! And happy iced tea day! :)

Yesterday was my first day of eating salads for lunch. The reason why this is a significant feat is because I don't like lettuce. Or spring mix. Or spinach. Well, okay, it's not horrible but to me it has no taste and I don't like the texture. So it puts a damper on liking salads. But I will overcome this, because they are really good for you and you can put lots of good stuff in there!

Like salmon! The other day I impulsively bought a 1.7 kg of salmon filet at Costco (don't go when you're hungry!) so I decided to bake part of it. Usually I bbq it but it was raining, so the oven worked as well. I made my own sauce out of soya sauce, hoisin sauce, garlic, lemon juice and terriyaki sauce and it was excellent!

And voila! here was my salad complete with mango, avocado, onions, peppers, olives and tomatoes! I bought six different salad dressings at the store the other day for the days when I don't feel like making it. So here embarks a summer of salad sensations!

Last night my friend Mandeep and I went to see Godspell at Pacific Theatre. I highly recommend it. It's a musical that is based on the book of Matthew and is a very creative presentation of parables and stories that Jesus told. It's very fun and very well done! It was so great to see Mandeep as well as it's been a while.
That's all for now! Hope you find time to enjoy some salad or freshly made iced tea soon!
That salad looks AMAZING. And I don't even like salad! I would like to come over for iced tea one day, please.
now THAT is a rockin' salad!
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