For some reasons I frequently attempt to cram my days as full as possible. Sunday I returned home from camping, and then got ready for a baby shower for my cousin. Then it was back home where people were showing up for an evening of good food and hanging out and a last good-bye to Maia before she left for South Africa.

Was fun hanging out with fam at the shower and seeing the new baby girl who is so incredibly perfect! :)

I absolutely love my cousins' house and they are selling soon and the thought did cross my mind to sell my place and buy their's. Because it has such great interior decorating, exactly the way I would want a house (minus the super bright colours of course). Others said i should look into buying it as well and I thought about it quite a lot. Then I remembered that I don't need an even larger house and I am perfectly content where I am and LOVE where I live. Funny how when something "greater" comes into our vision, suddenly we want it so much that we forget that we like where we are at right now. Was a good reminder for me.

Enjoying some good treats together! :)

Cute onesie cake my mom made

Then in the evening I had a bunch of friends over, including Dave who likes to jump over things. Apparently Wendell also likes to jump over things and so they are a good match for each other. I love the way boys think. Wendell says "Hey Dave, if I jump off the patio, will you jump off too?" And so plans were made to jump out of my house. I made them wait until I had my camera and positioned myself to take some photos, laughing that they were doing it, but also praying that no one would hurt themselves. The grass isn't as soft as it looks...

So here is Wendell leaping off the patio.

Followed by Dave's jump, with all the spectators in the background.

Dave thought he'd throw in a flip or two while outside.

And I guess going back into the house through the front door would have been far too easy...

I figure I can now get rid of my front door and just enter and leave my house through the upstairs patio... My friends are crazy, but I love it! Never a dull moment!

Maia and Cheri

Brooke, Cedric and Chrystal

Amy, Cedric and Jocelyn (Cedric made a lot of new friends)

Matt and Cedric

Dave, Cedric and Megan

Melissa, Cedric and Adri

Jared, Cedric and Ryan

Hanging out on the couches. I wanted to commemorate their first visit to my house. :)

Sunday ended and with it Monday came which is the day that Maia left. :(

I stopped over and made her decide which journal she wanted for her journey.

Us excited about her upcoming travels!

But sad at the same time (or slightly crazed, whichever you prefer...)
BYE Maia!! See you in four months in South Africa!!
Today I wondered if I have been reading blogs too much as my dream was a combination involving people I have never met from some of the blogs I read... I even adopted one of their children. Quite the funny dream, especially when I went to change a diaper. I woke up quite amused but baffled that I was dreaming of such strange and funny scenarios!
Apparently today is camera day.. so grab your camera and snap some photos!
1 comment:
I smiled at your dreams. ..been there done that. It looks like you are the most fun to have as a friend.
Your home looks wonderful.
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