Yesterday was a day full of unexpected treasures. Moments of enjoying friendship and seeing life anew through the eyes of a child.
A friend of mine needed a last minute person to help watch her and her friends' kids, so I said I was available and since i had planned to hang out with S that day, she came along too on our adventures with five children.
The day was beautiful and sunny and so we had a lot of fun playing outside. The best moments were "Go chase the bunny" and "Go chase the butterfly" and all five kids would run around chasing the bunnies and the butterfly and it was truly a delight to watch.

I love this photo. :) They have a large hill in their hard which the kids had a great time playing on and running up and down. Their clothes may have gotten quite filthy, but I figure those dirt stains were evidence of great fun that was had. :)

Rolling down the hill. When was the last time I rolled down a hill? And why not? And have I mentioned that these kids are incredibly cute? :)

Then we got down to the serious business and built a spaceship in order to go to the moon. Once we arrived on the moon, we hunted for moon cheese (which the kids decided was swiss cheese) in order to bring it back home to give away as gifts. All in all a delightful day of enjoying being outside and just playing carefree. Gives me a taste of what summer will be like.

Then S and I headed back to church before our youth event which was going to be a Progressive Dinner. I love that there is a playground right next door, because it is also a lot of fun to play on. :)

I love the youth at my church. I know I have said this before, but I really enjoy spending time with them and have been so blessed to get to know them better over the last few months. I'm excited to go to Mexico with a few of them and for other fun summer events and youth in the fall. The fun and adventure shall continue! I love how they show me a different perspective/way of looking at life.

We went to the first house for appies, then for salad and garlic bread at the second stop.

We enjoyed a mini-sermon about how to hold ten nails on one nail-good practical application. :)

At the third stop we enjoyed some tacos

And at the fourth, we had mud pie and pavlova-so tasty!

What a wonderful night to go to four different houses and get to know different people from the church. We were so blessed to have them welcome us into their homes and I am truly thankful for all of them! And I think everyone had a great time and we were all quite full afterwards.

And here is a photo of everyone jumping in order to burn off a bit of the four courses we enjoyed!
A fabulous Friday indeed. I even came home to a banana with a special note with it on my kitchen counter. How sweet.
Enjoy your weekend! Saturday is Seattle day and Sunday is pool party day! :)
1 comment:
Yes, we sure can learn a lot of things from children. Progressive dinners are great fun too. We've even done them a few times with my adult cousins so we could see where they're all living now. It just takes someone to organize it.
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