Yesterday a new season began, today a season of my life came to an end.
Tonight was our last official youth night for the year with me being on staff at church. My contract is up end of June. It is weird being done, but funny too because I know I will be doing some of the same stuff in the future and will still be quite involved, it will just look a bit different with not as much responsibility.
Tonight we had a BBQ and pool party and it was a lot of fun! Just great to be together and hang out and enjoy youthfulness.
I love my underwater camera. :) And so do most people! It is fun seeing what photos are on my camera at the end of the night.
Group underwater photo. Best ever. haha
Yesterday I had a wonderful time hanging out with this little guy-can't get enough of him. Even snapped a few pictures.. He snapped some as well. Only because he was mesmerized by the sound the camera made when he pushed the button.

And dinner and cake for my mom's birthday last night with family! Always great to just spend time together and enjoy being with one another. I'm generally fairly busy and have a tough time stopping and simply being.
I couldn't quite find 57 candles, but I figured 10 would do. Close enough.

And so I welcome this new season! Hooray for summer and nights of enjoying being outside in the warm night air. And hooray for a new season in life. One where in some ways I'm doing a lot of the same things I was doing before. But it feels different in oh so many ways.
Tonight was our last official youth night for the year with me being on staff at church. My contract is up end of June. It is weird being done, but funny too because I know I will be doing some of the same stuff in the future and will still be quite involved, it will just look a bit different with not as much responsibility.

Welcome to the new season of your life. I so enjoyed the peek at the little guy. .what a cutie.
Enjoy the sunshine today.
That's the first time I've seen "little Chad." What a big boy he is already!
A load of responsibility taken off your shoulders is always a good feeling. I like the underwater pictures! And happy birthday to M.....I have lots of good memories of you : )
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