First of all, a HAPPY BIRTHDAY shout out to my favorite little man!! I can't believe he is one already!! He melts my heart every time I see him and it's so fun to see him growing up into a little man. He was a cute baby, but it's even more fun now to be able to play with him and interact more! Where did this last year go?

Yesterday was a lovely day. Started a bible study with my friend. We are going through Beth Moore's study called 'Breaking Free'. It looks primarily at the book of Isaiah i think. So far it's been a great starting point for my friend and I and I am looking forward to being really intentional in our times together and pursuing being open, honest and vulnerable and walking through life together. I have been praying to have someone to do with this in a very open manner and so I am excited for what will come out of it and how we will both continue to grow!

In the afternoon I was able to man our M2/W2 booth at one of the prisons during their information fair. Basically organizations that do stuff in the prison (parent-child reading program, e-fry, narcotics anonymous, alcoholics anonymous, alpha) and organizations that do stuff outside (connect people with jobs and employable skills) were there to give more info. It was good to connect with some of the ladies I hadn't seen in a while and good to meet some new ones. I also really enjoyed meeting volunteers from other organizations and hearing more about the different work other people do. One woman started an organization that teaches the ladies (when they're out) how to do floral arranging and gives them a diploma, so that they will be able to work in the floral industry. Very practical and cool!

Maia and I went for dinner so we thought we'd take a few different photos to commemorate the event (and so I'd have some sort of visual to post on my blog).

Last night was our last regular youth night and it was really fun. I love hanging out with the youth (and you are probably sick of me saying that) but lately I have been incredibly encouraged while reflecting on my time there. This Friday we are doing the Amazing Race! And then final sunday school on sunday and then pool party on Tuesday. Lots to look forward to in the next week!

What a beautiful evening as well! The sunset was absolutely stunning. Here's a feeble photo I quickly snatched with my point and shoot. It is my sad contribution to nature photography day. I would have loved to go take more photos but the day got away and was entirely full. Perhaps in the next few days I will have a chance!
Also, I am in the process of booking flights for some very exciting adventures coming up! which I will talk more about in the next little while. My countdown for some upcoming adventures: 10 days, 18 days, 59 days, 71 days and 133 days! So here is my first little blogging competition: if you can be the first person to guess 4 of the locations of those adventures, you will win a prize that I will mail to you! So be sure to guess! I may have alluded to some in the past, so depends on how closely you were reading! ;)
Anyway, off to a day full of meetings and partying/celebrating life!! :)
A few guesses: two weddings (Desiree and Brigid?) and Mexico! Or Portland? I don't know if Portland made it on the list. Do I get a prize????? :)
Portland, Mexico........Zambia.........New Zealand?
Mexico, Portland (those seem to be popular guesses!), South Africa, and Australia!
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