Saturday, December 27, 2008

Twenty-seventh, Talking, Tasty

Happy Twenty-seventh of December!!!

Today I finished taking down all my Christmas decorations and packing them away and then I went to Andrew and Larissa's wedding which was great! I love weddings and love to celebrate with the couple. I didn't know too many people but Jon, a friend from high school was there so it was fun to catch up with him and hang out. The last time I saw him was when we sang together at someone else's wedding. Go figure!

My favorite line of the evening was when Jon proclaimed "I'm not the only one here with a mullet!" hahaha..

Anyway, came home and realized my furnace is broken and it's freezing in my house. I might freeze to death as a matter of fact. The temperature in my house dropped 15 degrees and here's hoping that my pipes don't freeze!!

Until next time!

1 comment:

Chrys said...

Yay for weddings!
I'm glad you didn't freeze last night! It sure did get mighty chilly!