Today I noticed that my house smells like puppy. Gross. Febreeze has become my new best friend.
{Here's a creative picture I took while playing with my camera.. the muffins are growing!}

Tonight for youth, I had the youth over to my house to hang out. I really love that about having a smaller youth group. To be able to be flexible and to build a tight-knit community with a smaller group. It's fun and also exciting. :)

Tonight I felt slightly home-makerish as I made snack for my staff meeting tomorrow. I made blueberry bran muffins and chocolate covered strawberries!

Chocolate covered strawberries always look so incredibly fancy and done up, but they are SO easy to make! What a fun treat to bring somewhere.

What I did was melted some milk chocolate and white chocolate, and I dipped the strawberries in the milk chocolate and then drizzled them with white chocolate. I put them on parchment paper for easy removal and then put them in the fridge to firm up. And voila! A fancy snack that looks like I took hours to make!

Today some new opportunities for some future traveling have come up that I am SUPER excited for! More on that later when I have booked flights and such (which will hopefully be tomorrow..)

I just realized today that next week is June (crazy!) and that the next 2 months are going to be a whirlwind. But an exciting one to be sure!!

And so I will leave you for now. Hopefully these treats haven't made your mouth water too much ;) You just have to join my staff meeting tomorrow! Or come grab the leftovers!
Off to Seattle and the Island for a couple days so posting might be slim but I will make up for it when I return!
Your strawberries look beautiful! Love the extra drizzle with the white chocolate!
The white chocolate drizzle makes them look extra delicious - great idea!
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