For Christmas, my friend Kristen got me a church sign calendar. One church sign for every day of the week! So every morning, when I wake up, I roll over, rip off the next day and text it to my church sign peeps. Kristen's boyfriend also knows how much we love the church signs, so when he found "The Little Book of Church Signs", he bought it for us. :)

"The platypus proves that God has a sense of humor"
"If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans."
"Welcome to C H _ _ C H! What's missing? U R!"
"Friends are God's way of apologizing to us for our families."
"Be an organ donor-give your heart to Jesus."
"Give Satan an inch and He'll be a ruler."
"Forbidden fruit creates many jams."
"One birthday isn't enough - be born again!"
"Now open between Easter and Christmas!"
"Our congregation is like fudge: mostly sweet, with a few nuts."
"Sin: the original smoke detector."
Awesome! I love creative signs. My favourite is the open-minded one. :)
Corny, but some did make me laugh :D Thankfully, our church has stayed away from this type of thing and just posts upcoming events.
haha that's funny. sadly, I'm pretty sure my church has had one or two of those. I saw one once that actually made sense: "The best things in life are not things." Good hey?
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