Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sunsets, Sand, South

Figured I'd post again since it's dark now and there is really not much to do after dark... well, I could go out and meet some locals, but I think I will stay put for a bit.

Today I drove south along the western coast of the North Island- absolutely stunning! I made a commitment to turn whenever a sign pointed to the ocean and said 'surf beach'. There were a lot of them. Walked on each beach and loved the different cliffs along the ocean. Tons of really neat birds too. The sand is black which is kind of cool too.

After arriving at my destination this evening (took about 7 hours for what should have been a 2 hour drive.. haha.. yay for stops!), I drove to the ocean to read while the sun was setting. So beautiful! Despite all the sand blowing into my face mind you.

I may have mentioned this before, but one of my other favorite things about NZ is that most people wave at you when they drive by you on the street. SO friendly. Makes me feel like I know everyone who is driving by. I have started to wave all the time too, perhaps I'll bring it home with me.

I'm off to find something tasty for dinner! And then probably read. It's funny because never in my life when on my own, have I gone to bed so early. But I love it. Usually I go to bed by 10 and every morning I'm up at 6 or 7 and I absolutely love my time in the mornings... somehow I always forget that when I'm back home mind you.. maybe it will stick one of these days!

Enjoy your Wednesday-mine was great! :)


Theresa said...

WOW! That drive sounds awesome! Trying to image the kinds of looks you would get here if you waved at everyone.... probably not so friendly.
But don't worry, I'm sitting here waving back!

Laura said...

Black sand! I look forward to pictures.