Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Post, Playing, Pup, Posing, Paddles

Post Office Bay. Pirates used to come here and take stuff for people on the islands back to england to deliver to them. Now tourists leave postcards.. You go check for any in your area, and then when you get home, you hand deliver them. I found two for Vancouver! Kind of fun! I mailed one to myself and am looking forward to see who delivers it.

One of our wet landings on shore..

An unnamed (probably Galapagos something) bird in the mangroves

Spotted Eel Ray

Playing soccer.. they were pretty good.. but i blocked a few balls.. or I should just rather say i touched it a couple times.. hahaha

This was a lava tunnel we walked in and at one point you hit water and as you walk in more and more it gets deeper. Pretty sweet. It was pretty cold too.. haha.. but great to swim in!
Me and the post office barrel
Two day old sea lion pup

I thought it was nice that all three of them were posing together for a picture
In the mangroves, our dinghy drivers took out the paddles so that we wouldn't make as much noise.. we saw a bunch of rays, turtles and sharks!

Me being a fur seal

Scorpion found under the rocks
Franklin, our naturalist.. we liked to say he was endemic to the islands
Baby iguana
I love how they all just sit there completely still. Sometimes you didn't even notice them
Volcano that we climbed to watch the sunset
We snorkelled around this rock.. Lots of crazy sea lions that would come swim alongside us and mimic our swimming
Baby Lava Heron
Me being an iguana

A bunch of the people on the boat. 15 women and 1 man. haha
Some of the crew members
Franklin and I at the top of the volcano

Sunset from the airplane (okay these aren't in order at all.. haha)
Our boat, the Cachalote
The Captain and I. I got to drive the boat a couple nights!!
We had a daily itinerary with maps. I defaced the board this day and drew on all the other animals we would see that would attack us...
The farewell cake made for us the final night

Coming up next: More Galapagos


Lisa Lu said...

i love how the guy steering the dingy has his feet in the shark infested waters! brilliant!

Elsie said...

I love how you get right in there with the animals! hehe. The iguanas look like statues sitting on the rocks. The post office on the beach is really fun! You'll have to let us know how it goes when you deliver the postcards in Vancouver.

Chrys said...

Love your whiteboard drawings. Is the person in the top right getting pooped on by a bird? That's unfortunate. Although, i guess compared with the sharks and jellyfish, bird poo isn't so bad.
All the pictures are beautiful as usual :)