Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Galapagos, Giants, Green

So I have been pre-doing the posts as I have been writing papers.. Just uploading pictures trying to be doubly productive (and distract myself from paper writing). So whenever I have two comments or more on a post, I post the next one. So thanks for your comments! Here's the beginnigs of the one's in Galapagos.. there's a lot.. and so these are a few for now and there will be more to come. Hopefully you're not overwhelmed with the hoardes of pictures!! The Sea Lion: the most common animal

Monstrous Tortoise Shells
Trying to be a sea lion while staying far enough away as to not get attacked by the sea lion...
Marine Iguanas

If you look closely, I am swimming in the water far far away. I think this picture was taken before I got stung by the jellyfish...
Me being buried in the sand...

Lava lizard. Our joke became that if you see an animal, just add lava, Galapagos, or endemic in front of the name and you have the official name.. ex. Galapagos Hawk, Lava lizard, lava heron, etc. etc. etc.

I love how he is looking right at the camera

Galapagos Hawk

One of the 13 species of finches

The courtship dance of the albatross

The blue footed booby
The feet are crazy blue.. they look kind of fake!! but fun!

Galapagos Flamingo
Stilt bird

Galapagos Sunset

Turtle!! it was crazy swimming with these guys.. cuz they're massive..

Galapagos Crab

Penguins!! Who would have thought they'd be in Galapagos? I guess these are the smart ones who figured out it was silly to make that super long trek to freezing cold places to mate.. why not stay near the Ecuador where it's warmer?
Lava Cactus

Land tortoise.. there's land ones and marine ones.. these are sometimes found way up in the highlands.


Chrys said...

I love hordes of picture! The huge turtle and the lizards were great. And I think that from a distance, sea lions look like massive slugs, all slimy and gross. Cool pictures of them though!

Elsie said...

Wow, wow, wow, such spectacular wildlife! Not too many pictures at all. Enjoyed seeing the blue-footed booby and the other birds, the rainbow-coloured lizard creeping in the sand, the sea lions on the beach, the massive turtles, and especially the blonde and black-haired monstrous tortoises.

Anonymous said...

i love all the pictures! more more more! what an incredible experience you got to have, i am so jealous. :)