Friday, October 8, 2010

Lists, Longings, Life

I LOVE lists. In fact, perhaps a little too much. I enjoy making to do lists and adding obvious things like "wake up", "shower", "eat breakfast" and so forth. That way at the end of the day I have a ton of things to check off and it seems like I have accomplished a lot in the day, when in reality all I did was probably brush my teeth after eating breakfast and the rest of the day was spent making the to do list.

So this post is about lists. First I shall start with a countdown because that's kind of like a list of counting. Or something like that.

1 day until I go to Seattle!
7 days until trip to the Island!
21 days until South Africa!
39 days (approximately) until I become a DOUBLE AUNTY!!!!
78 days until my birthday!
79 days until Christmas!

Things I have been able to cross off my bucket list in the last couple months:
-swim 200 lengths in a row
-sit in natural hot springs
-go to Australia/New Zealand
-go to 40 different countries

Things I expect to cross off my bucket list in the next year:
-learn to crochet
-write a book
-take a picture of the stars
-get a hole in one in golf (wishful thinking)
-sea kayaaking
-memorize a book of the bible
-carve something from wood
-eat dog
-Go to all 7 continents
-built a homemade kite
-bake bread
-ride an elephant
-go to Thailand
-run the police run
-3 day silence retreat

Some things I want to get done before I leave for South Africa:
-Christmas shopping (officially started yesterday)
-Christmas cards (I will wait to mail them of course)
-Christmas decorating (yes I am crazy)
-Get a business license (printed the application today!)
-Make some business cards
-Finish another chapter in my book
-Write a bunch of letters
-Finish planning my wedding (okay just kidding-wanted to see if you were actually reading)

This past season of my life has been an interesting one. For many reasons, but one of them has been that I don't always have a clear cut answer to "What do you do?" It's been good for me to sort through that and realize that my identity is not found in what I do.. as in where I work, etc. So in case people wonder what in the world I do all day long,

here are some of the things I'm passionate about and that take up my time:

-walking with God/studying the Bible: continually learning more about God and engaging Him and getting to know Him on a deeper level
-relationships/community: I strongly value keeping in touch with people and connecting with others in meaningful ways and being able to encourage people
-prison ministry: I volunteer in prison and absolutely love it
-teacher's assistant: I mark a lot of papers
-photography: I love capturing the beauty and majesty of God's creation and sharing it with others
-my family, and especially my nephew :)
-blogging: i love sharing my thoughts, experiences and ideas with others and hope in some way that it is uplifting and encouraging to those who read
-reading/learning: I love learning. About other people, cultures, countries, subjects, languages.
-letter writing: It is my personal goal to bring back the art of letter writing. So I have many pen pals and try to keep it up.
-instilling value in others
-being a blessing to others (hopefully!)
-youth: worked as a youth leader and now am a youth sponsor and i love it!

Here is a list of some of the things I would love to do with my life:
-work at McDonald's (okay just kidding)
-border crossing guard
-corrections officer
-parole officer
-public speaker
-travel journalist
-counselor, specializing in looking at body image/personal value etc. in individuals
-teacher in university
-stay at home mom and adopt kids

And so ends my list of lists. There are more things I could probably add to the lists, but that is what is coming to mind at the moment. I wonder what other people make lists of?

1 comment:

Laura said...

I love lists also. Kindred spirits! :) Do you sometimes add things you've done that weren't on the list to the list so you can cross them off? I do that. I thought you'd already been to all the continents! Usually Antarctica is the one people miss, but you've done that. Which is the missing? Comments for the as-yet-to-be-crossed-off: 1) scratch the dog thing. I'm sure that was a mistake. 2) crocheting is totally easy! I can crochet, you can crochet. You can do it! 3) Memorize Jude. Ten minutes or so - done and done. (Or is that cheating?) 4) Hole in one mini-golf? Also cheating? I am such a cheater. Maybe don't listen to me.

I got a WONDERFUL postcard from down under in the mail a couple days ago! Have fun in Seattle! I miss you!