Thursday, October 28, 2010

Canvas, Caramel, Crawling

This morning was to be the morning I left for South Africa. Instead I got to drive my dear friends to the airport to bid them farewell on their wonderful adventure. And I think it was a fun first day to my unexpected month at home. After 3 hours of wonderful sleep, I headed to Dave & Adri's to drive them to the airport at 5am. Jannie came as well and we had fun hanging out at the airport with them.

My favourite was the fact that Adri messed up on filling out her first visa form. Then she started the second and started laughing. We walked over and noticed that under sex, she had written "male". Oops. After rolling on the floor laughing for a while, I just told her to add "fe" to the end of it and maybe they would just see that all six blanks were filled in and not look at it again. Hopefully that worked for them. ;)

Jannie and I wanted Tim Horton's after the travellers went through customs, but in the airport it was still closed, so we decided to go find one. Upon leaving the airport, we decided we felt like we had just come back from somewhere. We decided that we had just come home from Japan. So all morning we swapped stories in remembering how wonderful our trip to Japan was. Lovely. So here's a picture from our trip to Japan.

Then I got to go trade my mom vehicles again and it was filled with the perks of playing with my favourite little man for the morning. We enjoy chasing each other around the house and up and down the stairs. And he's pretty fast at sliding down the stairs.

And then I came home and ate some caramels. And felt a little sick. But was reassured that they are made with milk partly, so it must be somewhat good for me, right? And then I took my vehicle in to be serviced and fell asleep at the dealership while waiting. Nice to nap in public while holding the book I was trying to read.

And then I drove to London Drugs excitedly to pick up my photographs on CANVAS!! SO exciting!! One is wrapped and the others are just on canvas but I'm going to look into framing options or seeing if I can wrap them myself. I LOVE them! I'm super excited to give them away as gifts, hang them in my own house and perhaps sell them as well! I love the way they turned out and since this was just a trial run, I shall now send more to be printed! Can't wait!

All in all a wonderful day!

And here are some things I am looking forward to as a result of my planned spontaneity:
-concert on the weekend!
-friends visiting from alberta!
-hopefully going to alberta!
-going to the island!
-And of course, the best yet (okay this had nothing to do with my planning or lack thereof) is the arrival of a wee little one very soon!! Pink or blue? Hmmm.....

That's all for now! Enjoy the beginnings of the weekend!

1 comment:

Elsie said...

I predict that your unexpected month at home is going to be wonderful, especially because you are able to be around for the arrival of the new baby! I can see that you are going to get a LOT of enjoyment from having photos printed on canvas - a super cool idea for gifts.