Thursday, February 11, 2010

Falkland, Furry, Funny

I had never heard of the Falkland Islands before this trip but apparently there have been a lot of battles there and it has been a largely contested area for a long time. it is a colony of England and it's funny to come from spanish speaking countries to this little island where they all drive on the left side of the road and have English accents. Quite the contrast! :) In all these towns by the ocean where it's very windy and not always warm, they have painted their houses really bright colors to alleviate the dreariness! Quite lovely if you ask me. But our time there was delightfully sunny and blue sky with a lot of wind!

We took a caravan of jeeps to go 4x4 ing to get to the bluff we were headed to. It was kind of interesting because a lot of the time we were driving in the opposite direction of where we actually wanted to go. The entire field/landscape is peat bog, so it's quite easy to sink and get stuck. A few vehicles got stuck and we had fun pulling them out! It took about an hour and a half to get there but it was a great trip and the landscapes/panoramic views on this island are stunning! It's a place I would want to go hang out for a week or so just because I found it so beautiful!

Finally we arrived at the bluff with the Rockhopper penguins, which are known as comedic penguins that hop from rock to rock and they're quite fun to watch and extremely noisy! Below are the fuzzy little babies. :)

I think their red eyes look slightly evil.. but then again, as mentioned in a previous post, they are taking over the world, so i guess it's fitting?

I think they picked a lovely place for their home!

Next up: Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world!

1 comment:

Elsie said...

Another beautiful place - I have heard of the Falkland Islands but I don't remember seeing evil red-eyed penguins with brush cuts!