Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Pride, Prejudice, Plays

Last night I went to Trinity's production of Pride and Prejudice and it was fantastic!! So well done!! The characters were very well portrayed and they way the did the set was pure genius!! Made me want to watch the movie (both versions again) and re-read the book! :)
Updated Countdown:

5 more days of school
4 more days of work
24 more days until Guatemala!! Crazy!

This week is a bit nuts as far as late nights go, but I'm excited for it!! Tonight I'm off to the Rascal Flatts Concert, Thursday night is the Canucks Game and the Friday morning I get to work at 4am!! haha.. That'll be a great combo-oh well, at least I can drink copious amounts of caffeine while i work!!


Chrys said...

My sisters are going to be jealous when they read that! I'm glad you had fun. Have a good time at the concert! I guess our weekly tennis game will have to wait... :)

Yvonne said...

Yup - definitely jealous after reading that! Any chance it's still running? Those costumes look awesome!