Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dang, Deer, Dent

So, Leslie just called and they hit a deer and it came through the windshield and the car's a write-off. She's okay, but needless to say the spontaneous trip to B.C. won't be happening, which is very sad. But hopefully I'll get out to Edmonton sometime soon! Now I am off to bed but just thought I'd update on the situation. Perhaps I'll take some fun pictures tomorrow just to make things exciting.


Anonymous said...

aw man! that sucks! stupid deer. one time a few of my friends were driving to grande prairie and had that same problem. what's gross is that i had lent them my camera and they took pictures of the deer and the aftermath. it was pretty nast. so anyways. that was my story.

mistletoe said...

that's horrible news, but thank goodness Leslie is ok!

leslie said...

it is so very sad! i am so disappointed! and the damn deer!