Thursday, August 26, 2010

AUSTRALIA, Adventures, Adios!

And so the grand adventure begins. The day has finally arrived. Right now I am boarding a plane that will hold me captive for 15 hours before releasing me to the wonderful land of Australia!

I stole some pictures of things I will perhaps see.. maybe some things I myself could take pictures of... We will be spending about 3 weeks in Australia, 1 week is New Zealand and 1 week in Bali. Should be fantastic. SO much to see and do!

I'm a bit nervous because 5 and a half weeks is a long time to be gone, but I'm excited, because when I look at what I saw and did during a 5 day roadtrip, the possibilities are endless for 5 and a half weeks!

Also, Australia is one of the continents I have not yet been to. After this, all that remains is Asia!

I will miss my place as well, but I'm leaving it clean and in good hands, so as long as the basement doesn't flood, I'm good to go!

I will probably have internet access here and there so I will be making posts from out there.. so stay tuned and join me on my adventures!!

Farewell friends!

1 comment:

Elsie said...

Crikey! Throw another shrimp on the barby while you're there. And try some vegimite. Gud dy, mite!