Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Turtles, Trying, Transformed

Today I realized that I have a habit of exhibiting turtle-like behavior.

In some ways, I have built myself a shell of protection. I look around and when something upsetting or difficult comes along, I retract into my shell instantly. I hide. I try to ignore what's actually happening around me. I think of any possible way that I can get out of it. When the going gets rough, I run (okay, so turtles don't run, but I guess that's why I'm not 100% turtle).
Or I will respond defensively and irrationally and get fairly upset or angry, making things far worse than they ever were. That's when I allow emotions to take control (kind of like the above angry killer turtle).

Anyway, in the last couple of weeks, I have been faced with 2 situations where I instantly was overcome with my turtle instincts of pulling my head back into my shell. Instead I have risen to the challenge and faced these things head on. What a difference it makes! For my thought processes and for how I feel physically even. I love this, because it shows evidence of the transformation taking place in my life bit by bit. That as I surrender areas of my life to God, He is faithful to change me as I walk in that direction. And it's exciting to see evidence of it. So I'm befriending my inner turtle and letting it know I don't need to stay in my shell. Life is far more beautiful outside the shell anyway.

{side note: writing this post has made me want to go eat chocolate turtles}

This is a picture of the final piece being put in one of the puzzles I was making with a friend. What a great feeling to have the whole thing completed! I love how puzzles are such a great picture of us and our walks with God. But since I have probably already mentioned that numerous times, I will leave it at that. :)

Yesterday while working on my Antarctica photo book, I had both my computers on, because I wanted to be working at my desk, but my photos were on my laptop. So I used the desktop to look up information for the book and the laptop to make the book. My favorite was when I'd grab the mouse and wonder why my cursor wasn't moving on the laptop.

I just started reading Julie & Julia and am loving it so far. I really enjoyed the movie, but from what I can tell, I love the book even more!


Elsie said...

"I'm befriending my inner turtle" - haha!! Good thing - that picture of the angry turtle is pretty scary. Haven't read Julie and Julia. My cousin started the book but found that she couldn't stand Julie's crudeness - she was so much nicer in the movie.

Anonymous said...

I love Julie and Julia - finished it last month, suck a great book!!! Vanessa I love the blog - you are ridiculously talented!!!