Saturday, November 13, 2010

Eggnog, Ecstatic, Eggs

Christmas is coming! What does that mean? Well, lots of things, but one exciting one is that... EGG NOG IS HERE!!!

I enjoy a glass of egg nog mixed in with some skim milk and it always makes things feel festive. For the longest time I have wanted to make homemade egg nog. In fact, it's on the bucket list. My chance came this last weekend when Anne and Andrea came to stay with me and we decided to take Christmas by storm and make our own batch of fresh homemade egg nog. Loved it and thought I'd share the recipe.

Make sure you have eggs. And don't eat them before making the egg nog.. {I forgot to tell Anne..}

Andrea and I were pretty excited about it.

Favourite part: separating the eggs.

Beat until thick...
12 egg whites
add and beat until thick...
1 cup white sugar

In separate bowl beat until thick:
12 egg yolks
1/2 tsp salt

In separate bowl, beat until thick:
3c Whipping Cream
add 2 tbsp. sugar
1 tbsp. vanilla
Beat until mixed and thick {i see a theme...}.

Add 7 cups milk....
nutmeg to sprinkle

Add rum and whiskey @ leisure

When making this recipe, be sure to have a very LARGE bowl. We had to split ours up until two.

Also, make sure you have more than 3 people. Cedric definitely did not drink his share.

Partway through, I turned to Anne and said, "This seems like a huge recipe... I guess there wasn't a smaller one?" Then we laughed quite hard over the whole thing and worked at drinking our 2 massive bowls of egg nog. So make sure you have a lot of people. Either that or drink 3 cups each and make egg nog lattes {we each had 2 cups that night and another cup in the morning for breakfast!}

And make sure your egg nog is thick enough to make mustaches when you drink it.

And nutmeg makes all things festive. Unless there's no lid and most of the nutmeg goes into your friends' glass. Oops.

And yes, it is raw eggs, no, you probably won't get sick. If you want cooked egg nog, listen closely to the song playing and try that one. ;) But if you're daring and want an amazing batch of fresh egg nog to share with friends, choose this one.


Jordan V said...


Best homemade eggnog recipe ever!

I'm currently making an eggnog latte :)

Jordan V said...

Note to self:

Microwaving eggnog is a bad idea, as it will cook. LOL

In the future, I may just leave a bit of the initial mix out of the batch, add heated milk and espresso, and use that for lattes.

Elsie said...

Would you believe I don't like eggnog? It just tastes like melted ice-cream to me. But I had fun seeing you have such a great time making it and getting mustaches drinking it : )