Thursday, November 18, 2010

Colossians, Comfortable, Called

Have you ever read a book that God uses powerfully to change the way you think and view life? A book that brings scripture alive in a new way in understand how it applies to your life today, right now?

I've been reading more and more of these types of books lately. And they leave me uncomfortable, because I know my life has to change. I've been making changes, but continually as I come before God, I see how far I am, and although it can be discouraging at times, I know that by God's grace, He will continue to change me.

I have been memorizing Colossians since September. I have wanted to memorize more Scripture and figured I would do it in big chunks to get more context and greater understanding of the passage. And it's been wonderful. Hard at times and slow sometimes when my memory fails me, but you have to chew and think about it so much more when you're memorizing it. And sometimes it's the smallest words that make a difference in the meaning of what's being said.

Anyway, I have some friends in Australia who told me about a book they had just read called 'Colossians Remixed', so I ordered it when I got home and started reading it.

It was a bit hard to get into at first because it was quite heady, but as I continued reading, it shed new light and understand on Colossians. Colossians was a letter calling Christians to subvert the empire and live a completely different and radical life from the projected lives the empire around them called for.

My life makes sense. If other people observe it, it fits in with our North American Empire. I'm not okay with that. And this book has helped me to understand the society into which Paul spoke and how that in turn translates to me today. And it calls me to fundamentally change the way I live. And I know it's not going to be easy.

I won't go into a lot of the details of the book, because I'm still processing it and need to read it again, but one of the things that has struck me again is talking about fighting against violence subjected on others. It talks about where we buy stuff from, and to look at what companies we're buying from. I have often heard this and resisted it, because it's so much EASIER and CHEAPER to run to Wal-Mart and pick something up that I need.

It talks about the countries where there are sweatshops and how child labour is continually being used. And we continually support it. I support it. After reading this part in the book, I went over to the new baby clothes I had just bought for my niece. Made in countries where child labour is being used. Then I pictured my niece and nephew slaving away in horrible conditions making clothes for other kids. And it made me feel sick inside. Yet it's easy and comfortable and so I go along with it and ignore the realities facing other people in the world. I want to be more aware of what I am spending my money on and where it's made and what the companies making it represent. It's a lot more work to do so and perhaps might cost me more money, but perhaps that's part of what being a good steward of my money involves.

Anyway, just a few crumbs from what's been floating around in my head these last few weeks.

1 comment:

Elsie said...

It's not something that we usually think about.......very challenging......