Thursday, December 30, 2010

New, Next, Not

The new year is rapidly approaching and with it a fresh start, a new beginning. Every day, and perhaps even more specifically every moment is a new beginning, but there's something grand about a new year.

Many people make resolutions, commitments, things to change. They go strong for a week or two and then falter. And they throw in the towel and wait 365 more days for a grand fresh start.

This year I decided I would like to make a list of 11 (based on the last 2 digits of the new year) lifestyle changes I would like to make. And when I say lifestyle change, I understand it shall be gradual, I will not always do it, but overall, these are things I would like to aim for. So here they are:

1. Read a book every 2 weeks
2. Cut chocolate out of my diet
3. Use only re-usable mugs/water bottles
4. Use all my own fabric bags when shopping
5. 20 minutes of activity per day
6. Floss daily
7. Be in bed by midnight
8. Lose 5 pounds per month
9. Don't buy anything other than food and clothing
10. Eat all the stockpiled stuff in my fridge, freezers and cupboards
11. Write one letter per week

There you have it. Not too difficult, but I am excited for the changes and have already started implementing quite a few of them and I feel better all around.

What are 11 little changes you'd like to make in this next year?

1 comment:

Irene said...

Good for you Vanessa I'm with you on #2 I've had no chocolate since Nov. 15 and its not always easy but feels good. Happy new Year!