After Sudbury, I drove down the Quebec/Ontario border to Ottawa and then to Quebec. What a beautiful drive!! Along the river and past a lot of lakes. It was about eight hours but I really enjoyed it! Plus I had friends in Quebec to look forward to visiting!! I stayed with my friends the Thiessens for about three nights and then my friends the McLeans for four nights. I LOVE their kids.. as I have pics of them from other visits. They have stolen my heart long ago and it's always such a joy to go there and play. Usually I have had school stuff and other things to do while there, but this time I was absolutely free of all of it! So nice!! :) Timothy
Laura and Mary
I love the look on Catherine's face as she hits Timothy with the balloon. So precious! WE all went to a giant waterpark for the day to celebrate Joshua's birthday. Fell asleep in the laundry basket
We took a hike up to the high point. They just recently made a path to go there. When I went to school here, there was no path and in the winter to get away, I would always go snowshoeing up here and had some great times! So it was neat to go up there again. We found a great beach along the river where we swam and played all day.
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