The day after the wedding, we all (17 of us) went to a Blue Jays game. I'm a fan of baseball usually for the first four innings, but this game was actually great for the whole thing! Maybe it's because we were seventh row, in line with first base and so the action was right there in your face. It was Parks' first pro sporting event-hoorah! Okay, I don't think he liked all the loud cheering much, but that's okay. He'll grow to love it I"m sure! The newlyweds
My aunty Esther
We went for dinner in Toronto and then played around doing some night photography afterwards. In moments like these I always wish I had a tripod.. I get to be creative with it instead! :)
Chad and I shared a monstrous hot dog at the baseball game!
Bobbi's friend Julie and my cousin Adrielle- we all went out for ice cream after.
After my day trip to Guelph and a day trip to St. Catherine's and Niagara Falls, the purpose of my trip was finally upon me!! My cousin, Caleb's wedding!! YAY! It was absolutely beautiful and it was so neat to join with Caleb and Emily on their wedding day. Here are a couple of pictures of Adrielle and Michaela (Caleb's sisters) walking down the aisle. It was a lot of fun having lots of family there as well-always good for a lot of laughs!! On the Saturday we all went to St. Jacob's market which is something I do every time I go to Waterloo. And they have the best apple fritters!! Actual apples rather than just chunks with dough. Yummy!
After a week in Quebec, I drove another eight hours to get to Waterloo where I would be based out of for the next week! The first day I drove to Guelph to visit a good friend of mine, Becky, who I met years ago on a missions trip to Mexico. I went to her wedding a couple of years ago and now she has a baby too so it was great to see them all!! And we had some good fun Becky/Vanessa style. Downtown Guelph We like posing for fun photos Here I am becoming the fountain... Deep fried pickles at the irish pub! Yay for trying new things!
After Sudbury, I drove down the Quebec/Ontario border to Ottawa and then to Quebec. What a beautiful drive!! Along the river and past a lot of lakes. It was about eight hours but I really enjoyed it! Plus I had friends in Quebec to look forward to visiting!! I stayed with my friends the Thiessens for about three nights and then my friends the McLeans for four nights. I LOVE their kids.. as I have pics of them from other visits. They have stolen my heart long ago and it's always such a joy to go there and play. Usually I have had school stuff and other things to do while there, but this time I was absolutely free of all of it! So nice!! :) Timothy
Laura and Mary
I love the look on Catherine's face as she hits Timothy with the balloon. So precious! WE all went to a giant waterpark for the day to celebrate Joshua's birthday. Fell asleep in the laundry basket
We took a hike up to the high point. They just recently made a path to go there. When I went to school here, there was no path and in the winter to get away, I would always go snowshoeing up here and had some great times! So it was neat to go up there again. We found a great beach along the river where we swam and played all day.