Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Babies, Ballard, Booth

At present, things seem a little foggy from jet lag and tiredness, but I am back in Quebec and thankful for an amazing week in BC.  I got sent out for work to represent our booth at Vancouver Missions Fest and got to spend a couple of my days off hanging out with some friends and family.  When I reflect back on the week, I am so thankful and overwhelmed with the Lord's blessings in my life.

 I got to spend some time playing with my niece and nephew, enjoyed lunches with friends, got a lot of newborn snuggle time with my cousin's baby, and got to attend a Canucks game!

And at the Canucks game, I discovered that my big screen enthusiasm has finally paid off!  The cameraman (I think he gets to choose-and he is one who often puts me on the big screen) selected me to be the gameworn jersey winner! So not only did I get on the big screen, but I also got to go downstairs later on to meet a player and get my jersey.  

It was an incredibly exciting game and so great to watch the Canucks win in the shoot-out. Then my brother and I went downstairs after and got to meet Keith Ballard and he signed his game worn jersey. It was kind of surreal standing down there and saying hi to all the players as they walked by randomly.  And I got a nice, damp jersey out of the deal!  Okay, I have washed it since so it now smells like laundry detergent, but soon I will hopefully frame it and find somewhere to put it on display!  

Below is pictured the newest little love of my life. He is super tiny but a sheer delight and I loved snuggling with him!

And more babies!  At the baby shower it was so great to be able to see a lot of my family and also catch up with some of the little ones. :)

Who wouldn't take a self-portrait of themselves and the baby??

After a few days of enjoying friends and family, I headed to Vancouver where I set up our booth and stood by it all weekend.  Other than my feet being on fire and incredibly sore, it was a fantastic weekend.  How wonderful to be able to meet so many people, see old friends and share the life of Christ together.  Every day I went back to my hotel room feeling incredibly blessed and grateful that we serve an incredible God.  It was neat to see all the different organizations that are sharing Christ in so many different locations and capacities.  I find it ironic that I had never attended Missions Fest in Vancouver until I moved away. But if all goes as planned, I will return next year!

And that is all for now!  Thankful for a wonderful week and excited to be back in Quebec along with the freezing cold and snow. Must put away the flip flops for a while again.  Until next time!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Back, Break, Blog

 I'm back!!  Just when you thought you'd never hear from me again, here I am.  As I mentioned on my other blog, one of my new year's resolutions was to blog more. So here I go.  Not totally sure how to catch up on the last few months, but here's a few pictures.  In the fall things were beautiful, now it's beautiful and snowy. 

 Here are two photos of my room. Tried to make it as cozy as possible as I tried to fit the objects of an entire house into a small room. I think I was pretty successful. Feels like home.

Just got back after three weeks back in BC visiting my family and it was lovely. And now it's back to the grindstone. Lots of changes around here but it's exciting to look ahead and see what God will continue to do in His faithfulness.

And that's all for now as I have a five year old coming for a sleepover in a few minutes (will probably be the only time I ever go to bed before 9pm.. haha)

You can be looking forward to more blogs posts!  Until next time! :)